50 – JULY 2009
The 25th Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on 21st April 2009 and 55 members were present.
The following Committee was elected: Sylvia Timberlake (Chairman), Rosemary Rice (Secretary), Peter Lee (Captain), Chris Pullan (Treasurer), Andrew Barnett, Malcolm Channing, Keith Jackson, Ron Maclaren, Ann Madden, Roy Smith and Roger Sugden.
Liz Phillips, as one of the earliest members of the Mayfield Club, was asked to present the Club trophies.
The Chairman announced that Jean Davies and Dorothy Wharton would be made Hon. Life members of the club.
There were two questions from the floor:
1. Fiona Clark questioned why we needed to keep such a large reserve. The Chairman explained that £2000 of these monies had been used for a very successful Jubilee Party to which every member had been invited, and a reserve was also needed to purchase new equipment and to safeguard against loss of premises.
2. Pam Hoskins asked if more could be done to eliminate slow play. Malcolm Channing commented that a new “clock” driven by a computer had been trialled on a Friday evening and, when some adjustments have been made, it will be trialled on a Tuesday evening.
We shall shortly be signing up
to remain affiliated to the EBU, a requirement for when P2P comes in on 1 April
2010. For the first year the club will have to pay an affiliation
fee to the EBU (which will not include the fee for affiliation to Surrey), but will
not have to pay for master points as previously. Members will not
have to pay the EBU for membership, which will be automatic when you are a
member of an affiliated club, but for the first year players will have
to pay 29p to the EBU every time they play at an affiliated club. The 29p
is capped at 150 plays but the fee will continue to be levied and anything over
£5 will be returned after the end of March (the end of the financial
year). Anything under £5 will be kept in an account and can accumulate or
be set against EBU fees for congresses etc. As Surrey have elected not to take
a fee for the first year of P2P there is no more to be added to the 29p.
Previous members of SCBA will automatically continue to be members. The
Committee will be working out the financial effects on the club in due
course. It is assumed that from 1 April 2011 Surrey will introduce a fee
to be added to the 29p and of course there may well be an increase from the EBU
as well.
One area of concern to
some members of the Committee is that we will have to send full details of
every member of the club by email. I am not an IT expert but I am
reliably informed that, as this is an insecure way to send data and may
contravene the Data Protection Act, such data should be encrypted before
sending. This was brought up at a recent meeting of the EBU Regional Club
Committee but to date there has been no response from the EBU on this. If
we are forced to send data this way we will be asking every member for their
permission to do so. The alternative for members appears to be to become
an anonymous member which would mean missing out on such perks as the diary and
the magazine.
Members can look at the EBU web
site to appraise themselves further on the implications of P2P or borrow a
detailed report from me. I am sure that most of you have already read
enough in the EBU magazine and Mr Bridge to be aware of the new regime.
Peter Norman
Sadly, just before the Jubilee
Party, Peter Norman died after a very short illness. This was the end of
an era as his parents were members of the club before the war as indeed was
Peter. His parents donated the Norman Cup, which is our Championship
Trophy so the family is part of the history of the Club. He will be
remembered for his gentlemanly manner at the table and his frequent thanks to
the Committee for the work they put in.
Norman Grant
Norman has spent some time in
hospital recently and, although out now, thinks it is doubtful whether he will
be able to travel to the Mayfield in the future. He has been a member for
many years and we wish him well and will be delighted to see him at any time.
Kath Coward
This has been a very special
year for Kath as she celebrated her 100th birthday. On your
behalf the Club sent her a card and two orchids. She is certainly our
first centenarian and we hope that she will not be the last. After a
spell in a residential home she wanted to be back in her own home and so
returned there where she has assistance to enable her to stay there.
Jubilee party
From all the favourable
comments, this event proved to be a great success. Congratulations to
Elizabeth Johnson and her husband Steve who narrowly won the bridge
event. Steve was a very welcome visitor as we were one short when it was
discovered that one member was unable to come as she had just come out of
hospital. Steve was on his way to another function but turned around and
saved the day for us so it was fitting that he should go away with a
Cliff Street
It was felt that as there are
some members who only play on a Friday there should be a trophy for the Friday
Champions. This has been designated to be held on the last Friday in
March. Our particular thanks go to Mary Street who donated a cup for the
event and which has been named the Cliff Street Trophy. This is in memory
of her husband who for many years was a member of the Club until his death and
was a very successful bridge player, who represented Surrey on many occasions,
won many trophies and was a Grand Master. Lynne Hiorns and Roger Sugden
were the first winners of trophy.
Attendances have been dropping
on a Tuesday which is of some concern to the Committee and it is hoped that you
will all do your best to play as often as possible. There is always
scheduled to be a host (only last minute illness or a bad memory can sometimes
cause there to be a failure to provide one) so, if you do not have a partner,
do come along and you may start the beginning of a new partnership. A
fine example of this was in the Men’s Pairs. It was discovered on the
Friday before the event that both Malcolm Channing and Brian Smith did not have
a partner so they teamed up and tied in winning the event. Also, if possible
could members running a team try to avoid playing matches on a Tuesday? I
appreciate this is not always possible but it does tend to reduce numbers on a
Tuesday. Thank you.
Committee & Liz Phillips
Cups – Tuesday, 25th
August. The ranking determining the
split between these two events will be decided on the night in order to even
out the number of pairs in each. It
will be either National Master plus or Premier Regional Master plus.
EBU Simultaneous Pairs -
Tuesday 15th September
Surrey Simultaneous Pairs -
Tuesday 22nd September and Friday 25th September
Pick-up Teams - Tuesday 29th September
Pro-Am -
Tuesday 20th October
No Bridge -
Friday 27th November and Tuesday, 25th December
Christmas party - Tuesday 15th
December – NOTE 6.30pm for play at 7.15pm
Mayfield Cup -
Tuesday, 29th December
Below is a list
of Local Points sent direct to the EBU for the first six months of 2009 |
EBU No |
Name |
Awards |
LPs |
EBU No |
Name |
Awards |
LPs |
24688 |
Adilz |
9 |
157 |
407758 |
Lyttle |
7 |
217 |
400345 |
Allum |
1 |
12 |
74353 |
Maclaren |
18 |
564 |
400348 |
Bailey |
9 |
398 |
35649 |
Madden |
6 |
218 |
24040 |
Balnave |
1 |
18 |
61797 |
Magos |
1 |
33 |
13072 |
Barnett |
24 |
390 |
403255 |
Martin |
4 |
120 |
81205 |
Belton |
10 |
186 |
75393 |
Martin |
4 |
120 |
415277 |
Boulding |
6 |
84 |
42992 |
Moir |
1 |
30 |
415278 |
Boulding |
6 |
84 |
93592 |
Morley |
12 |
380 |
36176 |
Brooks |
15 |
335 |
41571 |
Morton |
18 |
605 |
57039 |
Channing |
26 |
740 |
404136 |
Munns |
10 |
152 |
86402 |
Chapple |
1 |
10 |
404137 |
Munns |
7 |
104 |
90868 |
Cogliatti |
7 |
108 |
107448 |
Murphy |
6 |
96 |
40503 |
Cook |
10 |
338 |
12791 |
O'Neill |
6 |
228 |
26403 |
Cowley |
6 |
122 |
22456 |
Osborne |
2 |
40 |
79081 |
Cruickshank |
1 |
15 |
48856 |
Patrick |
15 |
379 |
76481 |
Cullen |
5 |
126 |
46971 |
Phillips |
11 |
440 |
62062 |
Davies |
2 |
27 |
72155 |
Pike |
10 |
298 |
99954 |
Dawson |
1 |
10 |
35309 |
Preuveneers |
4 |
77 |
86028 |
Dick |
7 |
228 |
65457 |
Pryor |
2 |
105 |
19037 |
Easto |
4 |
56 |
82891 |
Pullan |
9 |
164 |
33168 |
Elvin |
1 |
10 |
414867 |
Rainbow |
9 |
216 |
64359 |
Frosztega |
3 |
150 |
10669 |
Rice |
7 |
190 |
49560 |
Gayner |
2 |
46 |
10883 |
Scouller |
4 |
150 |
38516 |
Grant |
1 |
18 |
23098 |
Seymour |
7 |
127 |
84700 |
Griffin |
1 |
15 |
107959 |
Smith |
9 |
425 |
53542 |
Hemsted |
4 |
76 |
96852 |
Smith |
8 |
318 |
118549 |
Hiorns |
13 |
272 |
12392 |
Street |
7 |
235 |
77334 |
Hodgkiss |
3 |
195 |
54755 |
Sugden |
24 |
471 |
24501 |
Hoskins |
1 |
30 |
93169 |
Suri |
5 |
151 |
50755 |
Jackson |
9 |
242 |
401619 |
Tilbrook |
2 |
27 |
414885 |
Jardine |
10 |
161 |
25772 |
Timberlake |
26 |
777 |
31677 |
Johnson |
3 |
98 |
38625 |
Timberlake |
23 |
560 |
75259 |
Kolbe |
3 |
74 |
21737 |
Tompsett |
7 |
103 |
106183 |
Lacey |
1 |
10 |
77515 |
Trouse |
8 |
170 |
15250 |
Laker |
4 |
62 |
49564 |
Underdown |
1 |
18 |
28103 |
Laker |
4 |
62 |
61431 |
Wade |
4 |
94 |
52156 |
Lee |
3 |
151 |
403318 |
Walsh |
3 |
332 |
417141 |
Lemon |
8 |
184 |
401264 |
West |
7 |
129 |
62950 |
Lockyer |
3 |
78 |
63491 |
Wharton |
3 |
30 |
Norman Cup 1st Alan Bailey and Roy Smith 2nd Tim Cook and Roger Morton
Mayfield Jubilee Pairs 1st Elizabeth and Steve Johnson 2nd Dean Morley and Martin Trouse
Mayfield Teams 1st Peter Lee, Liz Phillips, John Frosztega, Bill Hodgkiss and Sean O’Neill
2nd David Dick, Adrian Patrick, Ann Madden and Mary Street
Mixed Pairs 1st Liz Phillips and Roger Morton 2nd Loraine Murphy and Tony Belton
Men’s Pairs 1st equal Malcolm Channing and Brian Smith, Peter Lee and Arun Suri
Ladies’ Pairs 1st Elizabeth Johnson and Audrey Kolbe 2nd Rosemary Lyttle and Liz Balnave
Dorothy Williamson 1st Tim Cook, Arun Suri, Bernard Pike and Tony Scouller
2nd Kerstin Tompsett, Pam Jardine, Ulla Adilz and Mae Gaynor
Mayfield B (Roy Smith, Alan Bailey, Rosemary Rice and Roger Sugden) won all their matches in the Affiliated League Central Division and won the division, with Mayfield A (captain Tim Cook) second. In the inter-divisional final, Mayfield B could unfortunately only finish 3rd.
Andrew Barnett, Peter Cogliatti, Philip Tilbrook and Fiona Clark won the Intermediate League.
Tim Cook and Roger Morton came 3rd in the Mary Edwards, representing the Mayfield
Andrew Barnett and Peter Cogliatti came 3rd in the Men’s Pairs
Liz Phillips and partner came second in the Seniors Pairs
Liz Phillips and Peter Lee won the Mixed Pairs
Liz Phillips, Bob Rowlands, Peter Lee and one other won the Lady Rose final, in a thrilling finish after extra boards, against a team containing members Ian Swanson and Bill Hodgkiss.
Peter Lee and partner won the Surrey AGM
Swiss Pairs
Peter Lee won the Victor Ludorum, with Liz Phillips equal 3rd.
Bob Rowlands and Peter Lee came 5th in the National Pairs final.
Liz Phillips was in a team that came 2nd in the Swiss Teams at the Easter Congress.
John Frosztega and three others won the Swiss Teams at
the Eastbourne Seniors Congress
Peter Cogliatti and three others came 3rd at the London Green Point teams
Peter Lee and three others came 1st in the teams
at the Green-Pointed One-Day event in Essex
CLOSURE 14 – 21 August inclusive
We have just been informed that a new hall floor will be laid on the above dates and the hall will be closed on Friday 14th, Tuesday 18th and Friday 21st August. Please note this in your diary. For those who will not be there to enter their name on the list for the Committee/Liz Phillips Cups on 25 August please either just turn up, let a Committee member know or get someone to put your names on the list. If you wish to enter and do not have a partner, let either Malcolm, Sylvia or Rosemary know and we will endeavour to find you one.
– 2008!
Please note that you do not have last year’s
list and amend the year to 2009 at the top of the list which is included
with this Newsletter and the fixture card.
Sorry about that. Thank you.
♣♣♣♣ ♦♦♦♦ ♥♥♥♥ ♠♠♠♠
See next page for Tim Cook’s
ª J
10 8 4 3 © J 8
7 4 ¨ 10 § K J
4 ª K Q
9 7 ª A 5
2 © Q
10 2 © K 6
3 ¨ 9 7
6 3 ¨ Q 8
2 § 8 3 § Q 7
6 5 ª 6 © A 9
5 ¨ A K
J 5 4 § A
10 9 2 |
Board 22 : Dealer East :
EW vulnerable West North East South Pass 1¨ Pass 1ª Pass 2§ All Pass |
This quite unremarkable deal
produced one of the most remarkable occurrences I have ever witnessed at the
bridge table in more than 30 years – on
the third round of a suit, with three hands following, the trick was won with
the 4!
The © 2 was led and won with
the Ace. Trick two consisted of ª 6, 7, 8, Ace and the ª 5 was returned, ruffed with the § 2. Declarer now played ¨ Ace, 7, 10, 8, followed by ¨ K, 6, ª 8, Q! Now
came ¨
4, 3, © 7
and….. ¨
2! Guffaws all round. End result 2 § + 2!
Names withheld to protect the
guilty but the defensive card play was not without thought and purpose. Just
one of those things!
Then, on the same evening at table 7, I pick up this hand. Again a first in my bridge experience – a 2 loser 8-5 hand! Pass by South, 3 § by West, your bid! My guess was 6 ¨ which proved to be lucky. I wonder how Table 1 bid 6 © and were allowed to play there!
11 None Vul - Dealer South |
Pairs |
Contract |
Scores |
MPs |
NS |
EW |
Bid |
By |
Ld |
NS |
EW |
NS |
EW |
1 |
8 |
6H |
S |
980 |
13.9 |
0.1 |
2 |
10 |
5D+2 |
N |
440 |
4.7 |
9.3 |
4 |
4 |
6Sx-1 |
E |
100 |
2.4 |
11.6 |
7 |
9 |
6D |
N |
920 |
9.3 |
4.7 |
8 |
1 |
5S |
E |
450 |
0.1 |
13.9 |
9 |
3 |
6D |
N |
920 |
9.3 |
4.7 |
10 |
6 |
6D |
N |
920 |
9.3 |
4.7 |