ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING   -  Tuesday 22 April 2008



The twenty-fourth Annual General Meeting of the Mayfield Duplicate Bridge Club was held at St John’s Church Hall, Tadworth on Tuesday 22nd April 2008.



The Meeting commenced at 7.30pm with 48 members present including the following 9 Committee Members:


    Sylvia Timberlake (Chairman)    Chris Pullan (Treasurer)

     Peter Lee (Captain)                  Rosemary Rice (Secretary)

     Andrew Barnett                        Malcolm Channing

      Keith Jackson                          Roy Smith              

     Roger Sugden                                   



Apologies for Absence

Liz Balnave, Tim Cook, Mike Aubrey, Lynne Hiorns, Pam Hoskins,
Pat Hunter, Elizabeth Johnson, Audrey Kolbe, Renate Lane,
Margaret Lee, Ron Maclaren, Loraine Murphy, Cyril Staples,
Mary Street, Joan Underdown.


Chairman’s Report

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting and asked for queries on the minutes of the last AGM.  Being none, she signed the Minutes noting their acceptance proposed by David Dick and seconded by Roy Smith.


The Chairman asked that the meeting take the reports of the Chairman, the Secretary and the Captain as read as they had been displayed on the notice board so that the members could have an opportunity to read them. 


A copy of the Chairman’s report is attached (A).


The Chairman noted particularly the section in her report about the 25th anniversary of the Mayfield Duplicate Bridge Club and asked members to consider and suggest ideas to celebrate this milestone,


Secretary’s Report

Report taken as read.  There were no questions.  A copy of the report is attached (B).




Captain’s Report

The report was taken as read.  A copy of the report is attached (C). Peter Lee stated that there had been no Mayfield success this year which warranted an addition to the Tony Lunn  shield – which was on display.


He then asked Jean Davies as one of the earliest members of the Mayfield Club to present the trophies to the prize winners as set out in the Captain’s Report.  Prize vouchers to runners-up were distributed after the Meeting to save time.  The full list including runners-up is attached (D).


Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer presented the accounts, a copy of which is attached (E).  He thanked Martin Trouse, the Hon Auditor, for auditing them and presented him with bottles of wine for his efforts.


Chris reported that the Club is in a healthy financial position with the reserves standing at £14,192 This year’s profit of £443 was slightly more than last year due to additional interest on the deposit and reduction of some other expenditure.  He reported that we could keep the existing annual fee and table money unchanged.


The adoption of the accounts was proposed by Adrian Patrick and seconded by Denny Wade and carried unanimously.


Elections and Appointments

The election of the existing Committee members was proposed by Joan Cullen, seconded by Ann Madden and carried unanimously.


There remained 1 vacancy on the Committee following Terry Kedgley’s resignation Ann Madden had agreed to join the Committee and was proposed by Sylvia Timberlake, seconded by Malcolm Channing.


The Chairman thanked Martin Trouse for auditing the accounts and, as he was willing to stand again for an 8th year, his election was proposed by John Timberlake, seconded by Arun Suri and carried unanimously.


Any Other Business


The Chairman put it to the meeting that we were considering whether to introduce the Surrey Simultaneous Pairs and suggested that we should do this on a Friday evening to boost the attendance. She asked how many members would consider coming on a Friday to play a Surrey Sim Pairs and the show of hands counted at about 18 – not all of which were regular Friday players.


It was queried why we did not consider a Tuesday Surrey Sim Pairs so again the Chairman asked for a show of hands and again it was about 18. The Chairman said that the Committee would consider this further at their next meeting.


The Secretary announced the winners of the Quiz submitted by Mary Street in the recent newsletter as Keith Jackson and Andrew Barnett and presented them with prize vouchers.


Fiona Clark asked why we held such a large sum of money on deposit and asked if we might consider investing in the Duplimate dealing machine.  The Chairman responded that we held the sum primarily as an insurance against loss of premises and for any other unforeseen expense. She explained that the Committee had investigated the idea of using Duplimate in the past and, not only was it very expensive to implement, but it was not feasible for a club without its own premises. The work involved is an unacceptable load on the Committee having to duplicate boards and set up the system for play.


Valerie Lacey asked about using Bridgemate scorers but again the problem of storage and the need for a computer on site meant it was more suitable for a club with its own premises.


Roger Morton asked the Club’s response to the P2P and was told that a straw poll had been taken the previous Tuesday so that it could be sent to the Surrey Committee who was holding a Committee Meeting on the Thursday.  The voting had been 5 in favour and 41 against the new proposals.


Sylvia thanked Kerstin Tompsett, Ulla Adilz and Pam Jardine for stepping in at the last minute to make up tables on a Friday particularly Kerstin.



Sylvia expressed her thanks to the Committee for all their help and

Peter Lee added his thanks to the Sylvia as Chairman.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:00 pm.