Secretary's Report for Year to 31st March 2006

This year has been a challenging one for me; first in that I took over some of the secretarial tasks which had been so expertly handled by Sylvia Timberlake over many, many years - namely the minutes and newsletter. Secondly, came the shock of Pam & Peter's move to the West Country which dealt me the hand of Pam's tasks too. These two combined formed a hard act to follow and I am still finding my feet.

Fortunately, there are always others willing to offer support and I would particularly like to thank Joan, Mary, Sylvia and Helen who helped me with the Christmas party food. Also, in addition to scoring and her help to the directors, Sylvia continues to look after the tea & coffee supplies and to produce the milk for the evening. She and George together make the refreshments run very smoothly and, somehow, the tea towels also get washed. These little tasks go along in the background un-noticed but are deserving of a big thank you.

Our relationship with the Hall management continues to be good and there seem to have been fewer problems with lighting and heating this year.

I would like to have more contribution from members for the Newsletter. All the articles seem to be generated by Committee members but I'm sure there must be interesting bridge-related stories to be told by other members of the Club. Some of you must be experiencing some tales to tell from bridge events or holidays.

Please keep me informed of your email addresses. It makes my work so much simpler to distribute newsletters by email and I appreciate less work to do.

It is a pleasure to play at the Mayfield. The Club has a wonderful mix of top class players together with lesser lights like me enjoying the challenging competition in a very friendly atmosphere.

I wish every success to those players who will represent the Mayfield next year in both the National & County competitions.

My best wishes to all members for the 2006/7 bridge year and I hope you continue to enjoy the Club as I do. Please let me know if there are any ways in which we could improve your enjoyment.

Rosemary Rice

© Copyright Mayfield Duplicate Bridge Club 2006